Friday, October 25, 2013

it will end. i promise

it feels like for the last 3 years my entire life has mostly centered around dealing with teething and potty training. the stress of did you go? didn't you go? do you have to go? are you teething? why wont you just sleep etc etc. anyways today is a revolutionary Friday. it's been over a week now of mornings being diaper free and usually only 1 accident! i mean i am completely stoked on that! really! she's rocking it. i think probably because this time around when it came to potty training i was way less of a stress case. i knew when the timing was right she would want to make it happen and it's looking like that's now. who knows what will happen later today or this afternoon but i'm gearing up to no diapers unless it's sleep time for miss M starting today. W has now been completely diaper free day and night now for a month! it's been a pretty exciting time for me as you can tell. Oh and we have all of M's 2 year molars in now! what's that you say?!?!?  WE'RE DONE TEETHING! it happened. actually i was feeling like this was never going to end. the thing with having two kids 18 months apart (besides being completely crazy) is that all the milestones seems to mush together and some definitely take longer than other. but we're here. feeling positive and a bit on the other side. and we're soother free! oh AND BOTH KIDS SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!! i mean i actually got 7 hours of sleep with no one crying, not having to check on anyone and no one sleeping in our bed. I do realize that this can all change in a moment as I've probably slept through the night less than 20 times in the last 3.5 years. but i need to right this down. i need to enjoy. i need to celebrate!

so be encouraged. if you're kids aren't sleeping they eventually will. i mean some people win the sleep lottery and some don't. sometimes they need a little calms forte (homeopathic) kids sleep aid to help them rest and settle while all that growing and changing is happening. the teething will end. really it has to. and advil or Tylenol or many other natural remedies are your best friends. why torture them or yourself thinking oh hey we'll all just tough it out. i mean when's the last time you had a tooth ache? this is way worse than that toothache you had and you took drugs, complained a lot and saw a dentist who was able to fix your problem. taking away a soother now just be persistant. you can do it. they can do it and it'll happen. just stick to your guns.

this wasn't meant to be instruction or a how to. just keep hope. you can do this and they can do this too. a lot of the times these little people are much stronger than we give them credit for.

i am thankful for change, for results and the sleep i got last night. time to make a coffee and make sure there isn't any pee on the carpet.


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