Thursday, December 22, 2011

You are what you think

If you're a parent out there you know life is manic to say the least. I know nothing beyond the toddler age here but happiness is the greatest of joys and fits of rage can come within seconds for no apparent reason. If I think I'm happy I'm happy. If I think I'm sad or upset about something that's what I am and where I stay. After a long couple nights of no sleep honestly it seems like most happiness, excitement, energy and joy are MIA. And then comes the glaring question: how is your day going to be Katie. It's up to you. I know things can go wherever they want. I can't control temper tantrums, lack of sleep or great moments of joy. It's up to me. I am what I think. So this morning while physically exhausted I'm choosing to focus on some of the amazing things in my life instead.
- two amazing healthy children
- a loving, hardworking and supportive husband who happens to be my best friend too!
- incredible friends who have become family. Always offering an ear, a helping hand, coffee, wine, sarcasm and consistency.
- my family. My love for my sisters, brother in-laws, nieces & nephews have grown so much in this past year.
- sunshine. Dear sunshine you are amazing
- good strong coffee
- a great place to live in
- food in our fridge & cupboards
- finally knowing its ok to be figuring things out, even if it takes awhile
- where I was, where I've gone & where I'm going.

This next year is going to be one of great adventure. I've got my anchor, my pirate, my birdie & my puppy. Life is good.