Wednesday, August 15, 2012

29 things to do while I'm still 29. 6 months to get these done

1. Take a cooking class
2. Read The Chronicles of Narnia
3. Take out my sewing machine and at least learn how to set the tension
4. Go to Airdrie to see my PS
5. Get more sleep
6. Shower more
7. Get better at asking for help
8. Sing to my kids more
9. Listen more
10. Let go of a few people I've been working on letting go of for awhile
11. Take my vitamins
12. Try a new wine a month
13. Plan my vegas bday
14. Do at least 10 things I've pinned on Pinterest
15. Breathe more
16. Actually make it through Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred
17. Be more concious of how I speak to my children
18. Get my husband 'fixed'. You know. Momma is done ever being pregnant again
19. Write letters
20. Try new foods
21. Do a cleanse
22. Be done breastfeeding
24. Take better care of my feet
25. Talk to my dad on the phone more
26. Have a date with my grandma
27. Be more consistant in friendships
28. Show my husband I love him more
29. Worry less about what people think of me

Monday, August 13, 2012

babes & success!

ok so here's the thing about potty training. basically as soon as your child can walk people are already asking "so is he/she potty trained yet?" i don't know why but somehow as a mother it feels like the biggest defeat to answer no. in all the times i was asked i knew W wasn't ready yet, but still hearing that question never made it easier. it's like "oh so your child wont eat fruits or vegetables?" i know i know. i'm reading way to much into it. but really here i am entrusted with this humanbeing and he's still wearing a diaper? he wont eat fruits, veggies or even meat much? he throws fits and bangs his head on anything in sight? lol. oh yes, as a mom i'm trying a swear. haha.

anyways i wanted to post some positives here. while we were away on our crazy whirlwind 6 days in BC i crossed paths with a lady who runs a daycare and basically gave me a 'how to potty train'. it was bizarre to say the least. we were strangers and within 2 minutes were talking about essentially doing that potty dance. ha. i was inspired. here i was camping and BLAMO! here was my how to on potty training. so it's day 6 and we're batting about a 70% toilet to 30% accidents. i'm pretty excited about that! i'm proud of my little man. I know that we will continue to have to work on this for a long time and most days it will take patience i need to find but we are getting somewhere! i'm so proud of him. looking back i know we started at the perfect time. we were both ready so we started.

also the child will now eat hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken and an assortment of fruits and vegetables as long as there's dip! i'll take it! No scurvey or rickets for us ;)


ok so as some of you have read we thought MacKenzie was lactose intolerant and it turns out she is. as much as this is totally uncharted territory for us i'm really happy to know that this is what was happening and that we can work towards finding milk replacements / substitutes that she loves. Ah i love when things start making sense.

now on to the sleep. so i don't know what it was about being away but when we came home as exhausted and out of routine we were i decided this was a fresh start. time for this babe to sleep through the night. time to not get up every 2-4hrs for a feed. she's 10 months old (WHAT??? she's already 10 months old?) and she can do this. so for the last 5 days i've been letting her cry it out. after awhile i go in and cuddle her a bit and she'll go right back to sleep without a feed. it's so good. there was even a night she slept right through till 6! yes i am a proud momma. so it's been either 1 wake up or sleeping anywhere till 5:30-7am. ah it is delicious!

oh and i forgot to mention that wyatt now thinks it's a great idea to sleep in until 6:45/7!

of course there are hard moments and hard days but reflecting on the amazing things happening is so good.