Thursday, December 22, 2011

You are what you think

If you're a parent out there you know life is manic to say the least. I know nothing beyond the toddler age here but happiness is the greatest of joys and fits of rage can come within seconds for no apparent reason. If I think I'm happy I'm happy. If I think I'm sad or upset about something that's what I am and where I stay. After a long couple nights of no sleep honestly it seems like most happiness, excitement, energy and joy are MIA. And then comes the glaring question: how is your day going to be Katie. It's up to you. I know things can go wherever they want. I can't control temper tantrums, lack of sleep or great moments of joy. It's up to me. I am what I think. So this morning while physically exhausted I'm choosing to focus on some of the amazing things in my life instead.
- two amazing healthy children
- a loving, hardworking and supportive husband who happens to be my best friend too!
- incredible friends who have become family. Always offering an ear, a helping hand, coffee, wine, sarcasm and consistency.
- my family. My love for my sisters, brother in-laws, nieces & nephews have grown so much in this past year.
- sunshine. Dear sunshine you are amazing
- good strong coffee
- a great place to live in
- food in our fridge & cupboards
- finally knowing its ok to be figuring things out, even if it takes awhile
- where I was, where I've gone & where I'm going.

This next year is going to be one of great adventure. I've got my anchor, my pirate, my birdie & my puppy. Life is good.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

tired cookies

So this morning we were out grocery shopping and on the way to the grocery store lil man passed out in the back seat. Lucky daddy (hates grocery shopping) got to stay in the truck with the kids while I braved the madness as quickly as possible. All of our running around came to an end and as we were leaving our last stop after a 45 min nap Wyatt woke up. Totally in a bizarre mood we battled tantrums for the next 90 min, had lunch and put him down for a nap. He went down so easily I was convinced he was going to sleep. 75 minutes later of him chatting up a storm and clearly wanting out of his crib I gave in and we came downstairs.

And we made cookies yes we did. Making cookies with a 20 month old is interesting to say the least. We mixed the dough with our hands, licked our fingers and stole an extra peanut butter chip here and there. He swiped an unbaked cookie and chowed down.

We're tired, dirty, our tummies hurt but have some amazing cookies and Ben better memories.

An afternoon well spent

A little less conversation

A little less conversation a little more action if you please.
Inconsistency pisses me off.

Lesson to my kids: If you want good friends be a good friend. I am lucky and have great friends. My momma taught me well.

xoxo -KK